Tuesday 21 September 2010

Prism - Prisma

Shots and digital processin by Laura Tedeschi 

Monday 20 September 2010

September - Settembre

September is the month of rethinkingover the years and ageafter the summer brings the gift usedof perplexity
You sit and think and restart the gameyour identity...

Settembre è il mese del ripensamento
sugli anni e sull'età
dopo l'estate porta il dono usato
della perplessità
Ti siedi e pensi e ricominci il gioco
della tua identità...

Friday 17 September 2010

Winter sea - Il mare d'inverno

... this wind also stirs me

Paintings by Laura Tedeschi

...  questo vento agita anche me

Wednesday 15 September 2010

I've also tried to draw on Zefrank Scribbler - Ho provato anche io a disegnare su Zefrank Scribbler

I saw in last days, many friends of mine like Harry Kent, Celeste Bergin, Manel , posting drawings made on Zefrank Scribbler, well I tought that I could not make a drawing with the mause...
Well although, I do those drawing as a experiment because I like so much experiments, perhaps must I to sign them?

You can also try to do somethings here, I think is a new blogger-trend!

Drawings by Laura Tedeschi made with Zefrank Scribbler

Negli ultimi giorni ho visto in molti post di amici blogger disegni fatti su Zefrank Scribbler, bene io ho pensato che non sarei mai riuscita a disegnare con il mause, ma ho provato perché le cose nuove mi stimolano sempre e ho fatto questi esperimenti... che ne dite forse é meglio che li firmo? 

Potete provare anche voi qui, sembra che sia una nuova moda per noi blogger

Monday 13 September 2010

Haven't had a dream in a long time...

Haven't had a dream in a long time - Shot and digital processin of Laura Tedeschi 

Good times for a change
See, the luck I've had
Can make a good man
Turn bad

So please please please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time

Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad

So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Lord knows, it would be the first time 

Lyrics by Morrissey and Johnny Marr

Friday 10 September 2010

...you smiled, and you knew how to smiling,... with your twenty years taken so, like wearing a formless sweater on a old jeans

... "you smiled, and you knew how to smiling... with your twenty years taken so, like wearing a formless sweater on a old jeans"

from: Farewell, Francesco Guccini

Laura Tedeschi's Paintings

... "e sorridevi e sapevi sorridere..coi tuoi 20 anni portati cosi'...Come si porta un maglione sformato su un paio di Jeans"

da: Farewell, Francesco Guccini

Wednesday 8 September 2010

When a girl cries in silence - Quando una ragazza piange in silezio

When a girl cries in silence, she became a woman

 by Laura Tedeschi

Quando una ragazza piange in silenzio diventata una donna

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Viennese atmosphere - Atmosfera viennese

Paintings by Laura Tedeschi

Saturday 4 September 2010

And I miss you

                                            And I miss you - Shot and digital processin of Laura Tedeschi

Friday 3 September 2010

Little works on paper, - Piccoli lavori su carta

These are small postcards made on paper with mixed media.
I just wanted to show them to you, I've performed them in exclusive for  event of Mail Art 2008

Queste sono delle piccole cartoline postali eseguite su carta con una tecnica mista,volevo farvele vedere, le ho eseguite in esclusiva per l'evento di Mail Art nel 2008